
We aim to accelerate scholarship that addresses knowledge gaps and has broad impact with the power to inform policymakers and the public.

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Drivers of geophagy by red brocket deer (Mazama americana) at Amazonian interior forest mineral licks

ECo Faculty Brian Griffiths’ study unveils the critical role of mineral supplementation for the red brocket deer, shedding light on Amazonian wildlife ecology.

April 8, 2024

All, Scholarship

Secondary not subordinate: Opsin localization suggests possibility for color sensitivity in salticid secondary eyes

ECo postdoc Tom Iwaniki and co-authors delve into the intriguing vision characteristics of jumping spiders, challenging traditional research, which largely overlooked the smaller eyes, merely considering them as light detectors. However, this study unveils the crucial role of these diminutive eyes in color vision, indicating a more complex function.

April 8, 2024

All, Scholarship

A decision-making tree for policy responses to a pathogen with pandemic potential

“Policy responses should be based on the known characteristics of an emerging pathogen with pandemic potential and the tools available to tackle it”, writes Professor Rebecca Katz of the ECo Faculty Network

April 8, 2024