
We educate, empower and network diverse leaders across disciplines to lead environmental reform and impact environmental sustainability measures for the common good. Our institute will go beyond the classroom to create hands-on learning experiences at all levels through academics, internships and externships, and affiliations with organizations in Washington, D.C.

Joint Degree Programs in
Environment & Sustainability

The Earth Commons collaborates to offer interdisciplinary courses, degrees and learning experiences that empower people to be good stewards of our common home.

BS in Environment & Sustainability

The BS in Environment & Sustainability from Georgetown’s College of Arts & Sciences and the Earth Commons Institute equips students for a lifetime of environmental changemaking through hands-on learning, interdisciplinary perspectives, immersive experiences, personal development, and a diverse and hopeful community invested in wider transformation

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MS in Environment and Sustainability Management

The Earth Commons along with the McDonough School of Business and the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences offers a joint degree that blends scientific knowledge with business principles.

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MS in Environment & International Affairs

This interdisciplinary degree from the Earth Commons and the Walsh School of Foreign Service’s Science, Technology, and International Affairs program meets the growing demand for environmental science and policy expertise to address the most pressing global environmental issues of our time.

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