Newsletter Archive
Subscribe to the ECo Newsletter

Get updates on environment & sustainability from Georgetown and beyond from the Earth Commons, including advancements in research, education, and action from the institute
3/14/25 – ECoNewsletter: Episode 3: An ice age that changed us—and other stories about our world 🦋
Birds, butterflies, podcasts, and stories galore!
2/28/25 – ECoNewsletter: Episode 2: The Climate Chronicles 🦖, Spring events, and ants, ants ants!
Join us for a packed schedule of ECo Events, and take advantage of big education opportunities
2/14/25 – ECoNewsletter: Episode 1: The Climate Chronicles🎙️, Underwater Projects, and Fellowships
Join us for a packed schedule of ECo Events, and take advantage of big education opportunities
1/31/25 – ECoNewsletter: Underwater Projects, Writing Climate ✏️ and huge opportunities
Make art for the environment, get a green job, and read the latest in ECo research
1/9/25 – ECo Greece: December 2024 Update
Explore the second update from ECo Greece, which includes student testimonials, capstone projects, events, biodiversity and conservation partnerships, and more.
12/18/24 – ECoNewsletter: Announcing award winners 🏆 Plus green jobs+ECo headlines
Explore ECo Impact Awards winners and other highlights of 2024!
12/4/24 – ECoNewsletter: Dream jobs for the planet, COP29, and repairing the Ozone Layer
Hear ECo graduates’ success stories, current students’ experiences at COP29, and more.
11/18/24 – ECoNewsletter: What’s next? 🌱 Opportunities, art, and classes
Discover events, opportunities, and updates to inspire your environmental journey!
10/31/24 – ECoNewsletter: Happy Halloween 👻 Glow in the dark animals, ECo headlines, how to build a degree
Plus, stories about the new cohort of MS-ESM and green events and opportunities
10/17/24 – ECoNewsletter: It’s that time—Autumn harvest, spring opportunities, green events
Fall has reached the Earth Commons! From funding opportunities to a harvest festival, there is a lot to discover in this ECoNewsletter!
10/4/24 – ECoNewsletter: ✈️ ECo in Greece, Colombia, the Amazon & high seas!
From Colombia to Peru to Greece, learn about ECo work off the hilltop!
9/20/24 – ECoNewsletter: 🍁 events, new faces & green opps
Welcome back to campus! Join us for events, opportunities, and more
8/21/24 – ECoNewsletter: Dolphins, garden parties + ECoFunding
Find the Capital Campus’ big sustainability win, the true price of Georgetown coffee, and other exciting headlines in the latest ECoNewsletter!
7/26/24 – ECoNewsletter: Why the Bachman’s warbler disappeared + other ECo stories
Warblers, Garden Volunteering, Amazonian Research, and more! Discover how ECo has been spending its summer
6/20/24 – ECoNewsletter: 🦋 research, summer in the garden & sustainable eats
Explore one student’s path to MS-ESM, browse our ECo Annual Report ’22-23, and discover new insights into butterfly declines in the latest ECoNewsletter!
6/4/24 – ECoNewsletter: ECo Around the 🌎 Stories from Greece, Stockholm + India
Find updates from ECo Greece, performances from our Artist-in-Residence, and upcoming summer events!
5/20/24 – ECoNewsletter: Graduation 🎓, Capitol Campus, MS-ESM achievements and more!
Celebrate our graduates and explore upcoming projects in this edition of the ECoNewsletter!
5/17/24 – ECo Greece: Summer 2024 Update
Explore the first update from ECo Greece, which includes the first joint ECo Greece course, participation in the international Our Ocean Conference, visits to Greek universities, and student capstone projects.
5/1/24 – ECoNewsletter: Stories from ECo faculty 🌸 plus spring opportunities
Stop by a garden study break and discover the winners of our Common Home Photography Showcase and Green Commons Award!
4/18/24 – ECoNewsletter: ECo in space, hurricanes on stage, and shrimp eyes 🦐
Our Festival is tomorrow! Plus, attend the last ECo talk, and check out the latest science
4/4/24 – ECoNewsletter: Happy Earth Month 🌎 Plays, festivals, headlines and more!
Explore the Earth Month Calendar, read about the future of water security, and more!
3/22/24 – ECoNewsletter: Film Screening Monday! 🌎 Month events & ECo research
There are lots of exciting things in store for ECo in the coming weeks! Find out about Earth Month, lectures, community events!
2/9/24 – ECoNewsletter: What to do about 🐈? Plus ECo opps galore
Dive into ECo’s exciting degrees, environmental study abroad programs, and upcoming external opportunities!
1/25/24 – ECoNewsletter: 💧is the new oil, the Ozone, opportunities
Learn about water scarcity in the Gulf, the dangers of ocean cleanup tech, and exciting upcoming ECo events.
1/12/24 – ECoNewsletter: 🐦Birds adapting to climate change, ECo jobs, events & opportunities
Explore stories about climate change’s impact on birds, discover open opportunities, and find info on our upcoming January ECo Talk
12/14/23 – ECoNewsletter: $5M endowment gift🎁, Summer Institute, ECo jobs and more!
See how the Earth Commons is growing and what we have in store for 2024
11/30/23 – ECoNewsletter: Introducing ECo Summer Institute☀️, JESP approved, events and summer internships
Learn about the new undergraduate degree and explore future ECo opportunities
11/9/23 – ECoNewsletter: Blowing the whistle on climate corruption, a not-so-secret garden, + COP 28
Explore environment events at Georgetown and beyond—plus, new opportunities
10/5/23 – ECoNewsletter: Hoya Harvest Festival 🎃 Climate stories, events, scholarship
Catch a film screening or a climate story, podcast, and read new research from ECo faculty
9/21/23 – ECoNewsletter: Fall events 🍁 Introducing MS-EIA, funding opp
ECo events are going global with the new MS-EIA and a collaboration with GU-Q, plus ECo in the headlines and new opportunities.
8/21/23 – ECoNewsletter: Introducing ECoTalks, ECo abroad and events
Futures change in the Yucatán, ECoTalks kick of Sept. 1, plus wide-ranging events and opportunities
7/28/23 – ECoNewsletter: Impact Awards + new faces of ECo 🎉
Announcing the recipients of our ECo Impact Awards, welcoming new ECo faculty and postdocs, and ECo Affiliates in the headlines
7/6/23 – ECoNewsletter: Meet the new degree + mag issue!
Common Home Issue 05 is here! Plus, learn about the Joint Environment & Sustainability Program and check out green jobs and opps
6/15/23 – ECoNewsletter: 🚀 Stories in NYT, FastCo & Vox
Explore headlines stories about mosquitos, Apollo 11, wildfires, and announcing new ECo jobs
5/9/2023- ECoNewsletter: ECoNewsletter🌊Complications for Ocean Cleanup, birdwatching
A swimmer helps discover a new marine ecosystem, headlines from the seas, how you can celebrate migratory birds this Spring
4/25/2023- ECoNewsletter: Birds adapting to climate change, green jobs & Common Home
Last chance to grab your tickets for Robert Bullard @ Georgetown, plus check out Issue 4 of Common Home and these quick reads from around the world
4/11/2023- ECoNewsletter: “Breaking Ground”, ECo Photographers and headlines
A new report in Scientific American, winners of our photo showcase, equitable and sustainable power, Robert Bullard @ GU, ECo Breaking Ground Festival
3/29/2023- ECoNewsletter: Seeing the forest for the trees, Amitav Ghosh @ Gaston Hall, and the Father of Environmental Justice
ECo enters earth month with events that explore the intersection of the environment and humanities, plus headlines from ECo faculty and green jobs
3/16/2023- ECoNewsletter: Amitav Ghosh, THE GRAB screening, ECo Faculty and the new high seas treaty, and more
Explore Voices on the Environment events, like THE GRAB screening, Amitav Ghosh and more, plus headlines on global treaties and faculty publications
3/1/2023- ECo & the Arts events, green funding, Common Home stories and the new Green Office Program
Join us for a thought-provoking artist talk and film, apply for ECo opportunities, and compete in the Common Home photography showcase.
2/18/2023- Mosquitos, 3D printed concrete, and palm oil—plus ECo events, funding and more
Amazing ECo events; funding; new research from ECO faculty and affiliates and—for the first time—students!
2/1/2023- Ferry Tales, green jobs and ECo events
Learn more about our collaboration with the Kennedy Center’s River Run festival, new ECo research, and opportunities in green careers.
1/09/2023- Ocean creatures, ECo jobs, and seeking your ECo stories
Contribute to Common Home magazine, learn about faculty research in the open ocean, and view new jobs at the Earth Commons and beyond.
12/07/2022- NYT Climate Forward events, jobs & fellowships, a message from the Office of Sustainability
We Hear You premiers alongside COP27, ECo Faculty Brian Griffiths writes of the Maijuna people of the Peruvian Amazon, and job openings at ECo + more.
11/11/2022- Music & sustainability, predicting pandemics, courses + more
Explore headlines, ECo courses around the world, events from our institute and beyond.
10/25/2022- Disability and climate planning, Earth Commons job searches, environment & the arts opportunities
Explore recent work from ECo Affiliated Faculty, opportunities to join the ECo team, what we’re reading and events we’re headed to.
10/12/2022- State of the Birds report, call for storytellers, research and headlines, Hoya Harvest Festival
Learn about “tipping point” species, respond to a call for climate storytellers, explore ECo climate research, go to the Hoya Harvest Festival & more.
09/30/2022- ECo Annual Report, Hoya Harvest Garden & Festival, TedxTalks
Explore a year of transformation, new Hoya Harvest Garden and Festival, Energy Hackathon and more.
09/15/2022- UN Report, Bird Migration Explorer, Green Jobs and More!
We explore headlines—like the latest UNDP report—take you on the migration of thousands of bird species, and talk green jobs, events and opportunities.
09/02/2022- New Faculty, Common Home stories, ECo opportunities & more
Meet the new faces of the Earth Commons, read fascinating commentary from Georgetown scholars, find opportunities to learn, live & work sustainably.
08/19/2022- Fellowship recipients, research and sustainability highlights, and internships
Explore ECo fellowship recipients, affiliated faculty research updates, Office of Sustainability events, and internship openings.
07/19/2022- ECo award recipients & what we’re reading
Announcing the recipients of our ECo Impact Awards and sharing some short summer reads.
06/16/2022- Research, analysis and opinion in the headlines
Focus on research advancements by our Affiliated Faculty and a new Earth Commons partnership to support Georgetown’s research capacity.
05/10/2022- ECo & the Arts
How the Earth Commons is using art to draw people in to share, think and collaborate, in hopes of solving great environmental problems.
04/20/2022- ECo Videos, events, new research and more
Explore Earth Week at Georgetown, learn more about new environment and sustainability research, and transport yourself to far away field trips.