Environmental Justice Commons
The Environmental Justice Commons seeks to enhance and elevate multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary, and transdisciplinary initiatives that prioritize diverse perspectives to advance environmental justice scholarship and culture throughout the university—and beyond.
The Environmental Justice Commons (formerly the Georgetown Environmental Justice Program) at Georgetown University was established in 2021, inspired by the encyclical Laudato Si’, to serve as a bridge between Georgetown’s work in ethics and its commitment to environment and sustainability. The program is now evolving into the Environmental Justice Commons, reflecting its new role within the Earth Commons, Georgetown’s Institute for Environment and Sustainability.
The Environmental Justice Commons embraces the belief that no single discipline can fully address the complexities of environmental justice. As such, the Environmental Justice Commons seeks to elevate multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary, and transdisciplinary initiatives that prioritize diverse perspectives to advance environmental justice scholarship and culture throughout the university—and beyond.
Environmental justice embraces the principle that all communities are entitled to equal protection of our housing, transportation, employment, and transportation energy. And so it’s a concept that’s rolled in equal protection, equal access, equal enforcement.
Robert D. Bullard
Upcoming Events
All Upcoming EventsSave the Date: Distinguished Lecture and Panel Discussion with “Father of the Internet” Vint CerfApr. 2
- 4:00 pm
- Lohrfink Auditorium
Work with us!
Professor and Director of the Environmental Justice Program. ECo seeks a tenured associate or full Professor in the field of Environmental Justice. This individual will also be the Director of an emerging program, the Environmental Justice Commons, within the Earth Commons Institute with a tenure home in the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences as well as a joint appointment in another to-be-determined school depending on the candidate’s area of expertise. Apply now!
Environmental Justice Scholars
Teaching Professor and Co-Director | Co-Director, Environmental Studies
Earth Commons and Department of Sociology
Assistant Teaching Professor
Edward and Carole Walter Professor of Law
Visiting Professor of Law and Director of the Environmental Law and Justice Clinic
Adjunct Lecturer
Professorial Lecturer – Department of Theology
Adjunct Lecturer
Senior Climate Research Fellow – Georgetown Institute for Women, Peace & Security Justice and Institute for the Study of Int’l Migration, School of Foreign Service
Assistant Teaching Professor
The Scott K. Ginsburg Professor of Urban Law and Policy and Professor of Public Policy
Professor | Chair, Department of Black Studies
Associate Professor
Adjunct Professor of Law
Postdoctoral Associate
Associate Professor
Affiliated Initiatives
The Environmental Justice Commons aligns with a broader network of practical ethics centers at Georgetown—including the Kennedy Institute of Ethics, the Pellegrino Center for Clinical Bioethics, and the Center for Digital Ethics—further building on Georgetown’s legacy of innovative work in practical ethics.