Archive: External Links

345 Articles

In the Press

New Study Says World Must Cut Short-Lived Climate Pollutants as Well as Carbon Dioxide to Meet Paris Agreement Goals

Cutting only CO2 emissions, but failing to rein in methane, HFCs and soot, will speed global warming in the coming decades and only slow it later this.…

May 23, 2022

In the Press

Climate action on CO2 emissions alone won’t prevent extreme warming – study

To control climate change, the world must go beyond cutting carbon dioxide emissions and curb lesser-known pollutants such as nitrous oxide playing a key role in warming the…

May 23, 2022

In the Press

Sharp cut in methane now could help avoid worst of climate crisis

Focussing on carbon dioxide alone will not keep world within 1.5C limit of global heating, warn…

May 23, 2022


Mitigating climate disruption in time: A self-consistent approach for avoiding both near-term and long-term global warming

This study clarifies the need for comprehensive CO2 and non-CO2 mitigation approaches to address both near-term and long-term warming. Pairing decarbonization with mitigation…

May 23, 2022

In the Press

Using birds to predict disease dynamics

In order to prepare for both the short- and long-term effects of climate change, it is vital that we gain a more complete understanding of the role robins may play in spreading…

May 13, 2022

In the Press

The Ocean’s Biggest Garbage Pile Is Full of Floating Life

Researchers found that small sea creatures exist in equal number with pieces of plastic in parts of the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, which could have implications for cleaning up…

May 6, 2022

In the Press

City rats are unlikely to cause the next pandemic

Researchers at Georgetown University discovered that urban animals certainly harbored 10 times more types of diseases, but that a methodological bias could be involved: they were…

May 3, 2022

In the Press

The unsettling reason that climate change could lead to more pandemics

As the climate changes, wild animals and humans are apt to cross paths more often — opening the door for…

May 2, 2022

In the Press

Climate Change, According to Experts, Might Spark the Next Significant Pandemic

Scientists predict that if the earth's climate continues to warm, wildlife will be forced to relocate their territories, most likely to locations with dense human populations,…

May 2, 2022


Climate change increases cross-species viral transmission risk

Climate and land use change will produce novel opportunities for viral sharing among previously geographically-isolated species of wildlife. In some cases, this will facilitate…

April 28, 2022