ECo Talks

Delve into a world of innovative ideas, groundbreaking research, and inspiring discussions focused on environmental research, sustainable practices, and the path to a greener future with ECo Talks from the Earth Commons.

Fridays 11:30am-12:30pm in Arrupe Hall Multipurpose Room

Come build community and grow with the Earth Commons every Friday at 11:30am-12:30pm in Arrupe Hall Multipurpose Room.
Participation is free and open to all. Light refreshments will be provided. 

Research in Action

ECo Talks bring together experts, thought leaders, and innovators to explore the most pressing challenges facing our environment and to showcase transformative initiatives and research shaping our world. Through a series of engaging seminars, we aim to spark meaningful conversations, share knowledge, and inspire actionable change. Join us Fridays 11:30 am-12:30pm in Arrupe Hall Multipurpose Room.

Expert Speakers

Renowned speakers at the forefront of environmental and sustainability fields

Diverse Ideas

From renewable energy to biodiversity conservation, climate resilience and more

Interactive Discussions

Engage in thought-provoking Q&A sessions and panel discussions

Networking Opportunities

Connect with like-minded individuals, professionals, and organizations

All Speakers

April 4, 2025: Jessica Green

Global Climate Policy“. Professor of Political Science at the University of Toronto.

March 21, 2025: Tara Shirvani

Global Lead for Transition Finance at the International Finance Corporation (IFC).

Feb 28, 2025: Nicholas Ray

Biogeochemical Consequences of Food Production in Aquatic Ecosystems”.  Assistant Professor in the School of Marine Science & Policy at the University of Delaware.

Feb 21, 2025: Stephen Bourguet

Continued Emission of CFCs and a Reevaluation of their Lifetimes”. Earth Commons Postdoc.

Jan 31, 2025: John Doherty

What Does Climate Change Have to do With the Courts?“. Science and Policy Analyst at the Environmental Law Institute.

Jan 24, 2025: Shizuka Hsieh

Lessons from Advocating for Environmental Justice in DC with Air Quality Data “. Associate Professor of Chemistry at Trinity Washington University.

November 15: Thomas Lowe Fleischner

The Enduring and Elemental Importance of Natural History“. Founding Director of the Natural History Institute.

November 8: Amy Luer

Global Director, Sustainability Science in Microsoft.

November 1: Fréderic Mortier

“Unveiling African Rainforest Composition and Vulnerability to Global Change”. Senior Researcher at CIRAD The French Agricultural Research Centre for International Development.

October 25: Amanda Carrico

Gendered Responses to Climate Change and the Well-Being of Girls and Women“. Associate Professor Department of Environmental Studies University of Colorado Boulder.

October 18: Omar Tesdell

“Regeneration of Tree Crops in Palestine: Adaptation, Climate, History”. Associate Professor in the Department of Geography at Birzeit University in Palestine.

October 4: Ross Salawitch

“Protecting The Stratospheric Ozone Layer: Historical Successes and Recent Challenges“. Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Science and Earth System Science Interdisciplinary Center, University of Maryland.

September 27: Ian C. Bourg

“Partitioning of PFAS and other Organic Contaminants Between Water, Air, and Mineral Surfaces.Associate Professor in Civil and Environmental Engineering at Princeton University.

September 20: Valerie J. Karplus

“Regional Decarbonization Drivers and the Geography of Global Industrial Supply Chains.Professor in the department of Engineering and Public Policy at Carnegie Mellon University and the Associate Director of the Wilton E. Scott Institute for Energy Innovation. 

September 13: Morgan Grove

“Urban Ecology, Systems Thinking, and Problem Solving in Baltimore.Research Scientist for the USDA Forest Service and lecturer at the Yale School of the Environment (YSE), where he teaches urban ecology.

April 19: Elizabeth L. Chalecki

“Eroding Sovereignty and Ecological Realism: How Climate Change is Making Fools of the Realists.” Associate Professor of International Relations at the University of Nebraska Omaha, a Research Fellow in the Environmental Change & Security Program at the Woodrow Wilson Center, and a Research Chair with Fulbright Canada.

April 5: Roshanak Nateghi

“Data-Centric Methods for Sustainable and Resilient Infrastructure and Communities.” Associate Professor of Industrial Engineering and the director of the Laboratory for Advancing Sustainable Critical Infrastructure at Purdue University.

March 22:

“The Role of Critical Raw Materials in the Energy Transition” PhD Candidate in Analytics for Economics and Management (AEM) at the University of Brescia (Italy) and Visiting PhD Student at MIT CEEPR (Boston).

March 15: Raha Hakimdavar

“The Future of Water Security in the Gulf.” Senior Advisor to the Dean of Georgetown University Earth Commons and the Dean of Georgetown University in Qatar.

March 1: Wil Burns

“Marine-Based Carbon Dioxide Removal Options and Governance.” Visiting Professor in the Environmental Policy & Culture program at Northwestern University and the Co-Founding Director of the Institute for Responsible Carbon Removal at American University.

Feb. 23: Barwendé M. Sané

“The Contribution of Afrocentric Ecological Wisdom in Addressing the Climate Crisis.” Postdoctoral researcher at Georgetown University’s Environmental Justice Program.

Feb. 16: Qing Liang

“The NASA/NSF ACCLIP Aircraft Mission.” Research physical scientist in the Atmospheric Chemistry and Dynamics Laboratoryalso co-leads the NASA GEOS Chemistry Climate Model (GEOSCCM) project.

Feb. 9: Noelle Eckley Selin

“Addressing Climate Change and Sustainability through Data and Modeling.” Professor in the Institute for Data, Systems and Society and the Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences and Director of MIT’s Technology and Policy Program.

Jan 26: Song Gao

“Atmospheric Aerosols and Super Greenhouse Gases: chemical transformation and policy implications for global governance on ozone layer, climate and plastics.”Teaching Professor in the Chemistry Department, Georgetown University.

Dec. 1: Silvia Danielak

“Infrastructure and Environment in UN Peace Operation.”Post Doctoral Fellow. The Earth Commons Institute, Georgetown University.

Nov 17th: Campbell Grey

“Locals, Leaders and the Reverberating Consequences of Disaster Intervention” Associate Professor of Classical Studies at The University of Pennsylvania.

Nov. 10: Steve Kohn

“Blowing the Whistle on International Climate Corruption.” Attorney, author, and activist. Founding Partner of Kohn, Kohn & Colapinto, LLP. 

Nov. 3: Tom Iwanicki

“Light and Vision in the Ocean.” Post Doctoral Fellow. The Earth Commons Institute, Georgetown University.

Oct. 27: Oswaldo Villena

“Effects and implications of environmental, geographic, socio-economic, and demographic factors on human and avian malaria.” Post Doctoral Fellow. The Earth Commons Institute, Georgetown University.

Oct. 13: Anna Karion

“The NIST Greenhouse Gas Urban Testbed System.”Principal Investigator of the Northeast Corridor Urban Testbed Project.
National Institute of Standards and Technology.

Oct. 6: Scot Miller

“Three Case Studies in Greenhouse Gas Emissions.” Assistant Professor, Department of Environmental Health and Engineering. Johns Hopkins.

Sept. 29: Tess Carter

“Investigating how Humans Dominate Smoke Air Pollution and How Air Pollution Impacts Disadvantaged Communities.” Postdoctoral fellow. George Washington University. Congressional Joint Economic Committee

Sept. 22: Claudia Tebaldi

“From Narratives of Future Socio-economic Development to Calculations of Risk From Floods and Heatwaves. An Overview of Climate Change Scenarios.” Earth Scientist. Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, UMD.

Sept. 15: Nichola Clark

“The New High Seas Treaty: what’s in it, how we got there, and what’s next.” Senior Officer Ocean Governance. Pew Charitable Trust.

Sept. 1: Allen Collins

“Participatory Science in Ocean Exploration.” Research Zoologist with NOAA Fisheries and Curator of Invertebrates with the Smithsonian Natural Museum of Natural History.

ECo Talks Recordings

Feb 13, 2024

The Contribution of Afrocentric Ecological Wisdom in Addressing the Climate Crisis with Barwendé M. Sané

March 15, 2024

The Future of Water Security in the Gulf with Raha Hakimdavar

March 22, 2024

The Role of Critical Raw Materials in the Energy Transition with Ilene Gaia Romani

Your Hosts

Rebecca Helm

Assistant Professor
Assistant Professor, Earth Commons

Taylor Jones

Assistant Professor
Assistant Professor, the Earth Commons

Megan Lickley

Assistant Professor

David Pickel

Post Doctoral Fellow | Temporary/Intermittent — Academic and Student Services (non-exempt)

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